Friday, February 20, 2009

Astro on demand .. love it

I know I know ... I change my thought very often ... but it has many advantages when living together with my sis and her bf. One of the things sure is Astro!
Being the HK dramas fans, my sis and her bf are chasing for the latest and updated series all the time. Previously we downloaded from the Internet and watch them using PC. But things changed, with the Astro On Demand, paying extra RM40 per month, we can watch the latest drama just almost the same time with Hong Kong .. that is so cool.

My HK's friend told me he is going to watch EU at 9.15pm, and I told him I can watch it at 9.30pm, just 15minutes late. Cool. Now you can imagine what time we sleep everynight, with all the moods in chasing the series episodes after episodes. Series after series. My mom is coming out tonight, and yeehaa ... I can continue watching the "珠光宝气" with her until episode 82. Then we will move on to EU. One thing I can guarantee is ... my mom won't have her buttock lifted even a single second from the cushion anymore hahaha


(e+ho)ng said...

At last, an entry which radiates such a joyful sensation when read, especially in such a gloomy era where nothing good is been reported all the time. :)

Anonymous said...

Cuz I prefer to pen my sadness down, instead of my happiness