Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hair cut after 1year

When was my last hair cut? Yeah in Jan 2009. My mom keeps nagging how messy is my hair, how long is my hair, why I was so lazy to go to cut my hair. I want to make it clear in here. I am not lazy or like my messy hair, it is just I do not feel the urge and need to cut my hair. That's all. All I was thinking was, it is going to be new year soon, just wait and do my hair that time. Lolz ... then one of my colleagues sister said something like ... why ur hair so geli .. haha ... she is cute and so straightforward.

Ok ok, I promised her last Jan that I am going to look for her if I wanna do my hair. So you see, she is pushing me. I wanna do hair straightening in end of Jan, she said do it in earlier of Jan better. ok ok so I went to her bf newly open hair saloon last Sat.

Spent 4 hours there and cost me RM168, my hair become shorter, straighter and got a fringe. Everyone saying this hairstyle suits me alot ... I like this new hairstyle, hope this hair straightening can last for months, not just a week like the one I did last year.

RM 100 for 1 week. RM 168 for 1.68 weeks? No please


(e+ho)ng said...

This entry failed big time without any photo.

Anonymous said...

lol ... see the real person instead of just still photo ... by the way, the hair cant 'survive' for 1.68weeks. I will go to re-do it again tomorrow

(e+ho)ng said...

Oh come on, at least take a photo and post it up! Then we shall have something to talk about in the coming few years.

Anonymous said...


(e+ho)ng said...

Does not really show the length of your hair there. :(

Anonymous said...

then .. come find me or hang out together one day .. u can see until u satisfy