Thursday, October 16, 2008

Working ....

Today is oct 16th, and I am still in the office, replying emails and keep on sighing as it is already 3 hours after my working hours, yet I am still working. All of this is due to the expedite orders from my customer. Imagine, they are pulling in 490units of orders from Dec to end of Oct/beginning of Nov. Besides the huge orders, there are a lots of smal orders keep coming in, and pulling in to earlier dates. This result with material shortages. There is one material which needs about 3700pcs, and I need to pull in the material to dock asap.

Why am I still here in this hour? Shouldn't I suppose to back in my house, eating dinner while watching movie? It is cuz of this material. We have done everything we can to expedite this. From Shanghai to Penang, the best ETA committed by forwarder is tomorrow before 2pm, but we can't accept it, and we have forwarder to terminate the flight service in KL, and change to truck mode, and the truck scheduled to dock at 7pm, but it hasn't reached yet, and I am chasing for this. Sigh ... This is the normal buyer job and responsibilities, I know about this, but this is tiring with all the parties focusing on you and your shipments. Come on ... I am sick of this.

After this shipment docks tonight, I still have other shipments to chase for. And I know that, starting from next week, pricing will my another big issue.
I didn't went to work on Tue, due to period pain and headache, but I took emergency leave instead. Reason being I have about 5days leaves which is going to due soon, and lazy to go to see doc. But, I can't just lying on the bed whole days, so I went to cyber cafe to online, and I see more and more issues. Coming back to work on Wed, I got many bombs regarding the delaying in my shipment, and now it is 7.51pm, got updated status that the truck which carrying my shipment, already at front gate ...FINALLY !!

Hope everything will go smoothly after this, and everything, including my other shipments, hope that I am able to pulling in all the materisl. hope there wil be no more shortages, hope I can go back at 4.30 everyday... lol ... many will think that this wish is funny, but if you are a buyer in this company, you will know that this is not a wish which is can be granted easily ... haha ..

I haven't go back at 4.30pm sharp for a long long time.

Enough about work, when I'm back from SG, I thought that the next blog from me will be about my trip to SG, but it turns out to be something else .. cuz I don't have the time to scan through all the pictures taken during the SG trip, and most importantly that I do not have the mood to write about the trip, I don't want the trip to sound bad.

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