Friday, January 16, 2009

Moving House ... again -_-

Tomorrow I am moving house again, and this will the last time for now. It is really tired, and when I think of tomorrow, I can't help feeling lazy, totally doesn't have the excitement to move at all. Well, thanks to UUM and my ex-housemates.

I am going to move in to the new house bought my by my sister and her boyfriend. He proposed to her and they are going to marry. When? No idea. Just know that I will the the brightest bulb ever in the house then ... haha

Is this a good thing or not? Well, for some reasons, moving in with them will be the best way for me to save $$? Or waste more $$? No idea too. But one thing for sure, I will definitely lose my freedom starting from tomorrow... bye bye to my freedom ...

1 comment:

(e+ho)ng said...

What kind of freedom are you implying about? Internet freedom or physical freedom?

I do not see any changes to your physical freedom as you seldom go out anyway. Hence, I can only guess that your Internet activity will be in jeopardy in the new house then. :P