Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hao Ren Nan Zuo ... sigh ~~

Being a kepoh girl, I can't help myself but keeping on being kepoh. Well, I learnt my lesson yesterday and shit ... really a full bucket of shit ...

I have one cousin sister who is still single, and already 29. So I planned to intro her to my colleague who is also available. That guy is nice, just short and a bit plump haha .. One day, I saw her on MSN, so I asked her whether she is interested to know a guy or not. She asked me, "Why you want to intro to me?" I said, "Well, cuz you are still single." The next time I know, she went offline straight. Fine, I got her message, loud and clear. I met her last week, we didn't mentioned about this topic, and we didn't chat much. I didn't suspect anything unusual in her .. until yesterday, my mom phoned me.

My mom said my auntie called her up, telling her about my intention to intro a guy to her daughter, my cousin sister. I admitted it. My mom gave a big response to this. Raising up her voice a little, she told me about 'hints' she heard from my auntie, such as "Why intro the guy to my daughter when your daughter is also single, is it that guy is not nice, that's why ur daughter doesn't want him" .. "ppl who looks down on us will eventually get bad ending in return, such as blah blah blah."

Shit, I am just trying to be nice to intro a guy to her, she told her mom and her mom thinks bad about me and phoned my mom and let her listen to her 'words' ... shit ...
Well, I guess I will feel one kind if I got to see them during CNY ... better don't go to their house with full stomach haha

Lesson learnt: Got boy, sendiri kau enough, no need to be nice to intro to others if I can't swallow him. Learn to coil him up like an anaconda, smash all his bones, and he is mine. Let her regret later for this.... wahahaha


(e+ho)ng said...


So are you going to take the boy for yourself? ;)

Perhaps she has just recently being rejected by a guy and her mood was in disarray? Wrong timing on your part, I guess.

By the way, why would you want to introduce a nice guy to someone else instead of snatching him for yourself? Perhaps what your aunt complained about is not so wrong after all, eh?

CarinaSing said...

Well .. nope.
Cuz that guy has one similarity with you ... which is short. He is just like your height ...