Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good or Bad?

Well .. for no reason ... I want to write this, maybe in the first place, this is an online diary to me... haha, but somehow telling others about the existing of my blog, and getting only 1 or 2 or 3 supporters to visit this, but it is a good thing though, cuz I never furnish my phrase and lots of rough words to express my feeling. Nah, if my superior knew the existence of my blog, then I guess I need to delete some of my previous posts already .. haha ...

With the current economy ... my company is shutting down on every Monday for 2months. Rumours say that there will be shutdown in April too. An email regarding this is going to be send out .. very very soon. Well, maybe I will get it in my inbox tomorrow morning. Yeah, I know I must feel sad about this, but I don't know why .. I feel happy instead of feeling sad. I enjoy working 4days per week although life is hell when I go back to work on every Tuesday.
Is this good or bad?

Why? Cuz of GunBound of course. I just can't stop playing GB. Meeting with lots of new ppl, new friends, playing games, chatting with them, saying rude words to harsh players and etc ... I just can't stop playing. Thanks to my dear friend, EngHong again for this ... One thing for sure is, my time is allocated for games, seldom login to MSN now, just got a complaint from my friend, as I use to chat with him every night, ad now he seldom see me online. Miss me, he said ... I also miss chatting with him too actually ... but once I was in GB, it is very hard to stop and login to MSN .. But I will try tonight, as I promised him I will go to MSN to chat with him later.
Is this good or bad?

I feel that I am getting lazy and lazier ... and really don't feel like working in my company now. I just feel like typing my resignation letter now ... but I know I can't. I need to cling to this job until economy becomes stables ... I need to have a job, I can't just sit and wait for money to fall from the sky ... ok ok .. I will go to buy lottery .. RM 3 to get 1 million in return .. this kind of gambling .. I love it lolz ..

Who says it is wrong for me to dream? Haha ...

1 comment:

(e+ho)ng said...

You need to learn how to allocate your time or else, nothing good will come out of your GunBound addiction.

Recently, my colleagues are pooling money to buy Toto almost every Wednesday. If only you guys realize how minuscule the probability of you striking the jackpot is. :(