Saturday, August 15, 2009

"Weekry" or "Monthry" ?

This blog is supposed to be my online diary ... but recently I feel lazy and don't have the mood to update this blog ... well, thanks to Facebook. It keeps me busy with all the addictive games and the urge to beat my friends' scores.

Well ... I will make a quick update in here, where it will be more to weekry for now ...

I downgraded my internet package from unlimited to RM44 package. My latest Internet bill stated RM 494, whereby my sis and I only went back once in the month of June, and once in the month of July. Impossible for us to use up to 1k hours ... Phoned the stupid customer service, throwing them alot of questions and I got stupid answers in return ... well .. I guess this won't be a quick update, as .. while I am typing .. this piss me off again ... so I will write in details instead of summarizing it out ... TEH ... guess I can't blame you for writing a long entry now lolz

Ahem, ahem ... I will start from calling the CS. Dialing the number and press the 1, 2 or 3 already pissed me off. It says press 1 for xxx, 2 for billing issues, 3 for xx blah blah blah... then I pressed 2. It keeps on repeating the same sentence instead of link me to the correct party. I pressed 2 non stop then it only can function... *sweat* .. Then a Malay guy was on the line, he asked me basic things like my hp #, name, user ID. I told him my problem, he said something like this, do you forget to turn on your modem? I told him, no. He definitely can't understand the meaning of no as he kept on saying if I forgot to disconnect the modem or doesn't disconnect properly, the bill will keep on running. Ok.. Maybe I was really pissed off... I know I am... I asked him back "let me ask you something, if I didn't even plug in the plug to the power outlet, can the modem be turn on? Don't the modem will get disconnected automatically by then?" This guy keeps on telling me about how much is my usage, when I used, for how many hours. Please la .. I can check that from the Streamyx homepage too, don't need you to tell me. Then he told me, "If you think that someone been stealing your password, you have to log a police report, then you take the report go to the nearest TM Point and we will log a case and investigate" Shit. Then I said "Why I have to make police report first before you guys can carry on with the investigation? Don't this phone call is enough for log a case with TM Net? Why still need to wait for police report? While I am working on the police report, can't you guys just go to check first, what is the IP address of the guy who is logging in during this period of time? I am sure the connection point is not coming from my home. If you can see that, then it means someone else is using my ID and password" Debate continues, where he said I don't want to listen to him, and he can't talk to me. Where I don't want to talk to him and wanted to talk to his supervisor. Where he paused for a few times, seeking advice from someone I guess before coming back to me. Then he told me to change my password, log a police report and only go back to them. I told him I will change the password, but I need their help to log a case now, and hold my account, as I only be able to go back to SP to make police report on Sun. By the way... that day was Wed when I made the call .. He can't comply to me, and in the midst of arguing, the line got disconnected. He hanged up on me!!!! Fine... since I have already changed the password, I didn't call back as that time was still working hour.

I called them back after 5pm that day. This time an Indian guy answered my call. Same thing with the need to press 2 for several times. He started all over again with my basic information. OK, 2nd time in telling that. This time my intention is to obtain the case ID # that the 1st guy logged. I need the # as my sis's bf knows someone in there that can speed up the checking process. I told him, I just phoned hours ago, and now I am calling back as I need the case ID#. Just checked for my hp# or my User ID and get me the case #, that's it. Well, he gave me the #, and he added "in the case report stated that, we require you to go to police station to make the report before we can carry on the investigation. In order to keep your line activated, you would have to pay for the $$, or at least half of the $$, so that we will be able to carry on the investigation." WTF. "No, I won't pay for a single cent for the time that I am not using" "Investigation normally takes around 1 t0 3 months. If we proved that someone is stealing your line, or the line doesn’t disconnect properly, we will rebate you back." "Why can't you just carry on with the investigation first. If you can prove that I am the one who is using the net, I will only pay back the $$ to you." This is only call fair. Please la .. If I paid all the $$ then they sure won't rebate me back ... This is common sense ... then of course the debate continues again... until he hanged up on me again!!! ...

2nd time the guys hang up my phone? What should I do? Of course I called them back. This time is a girl. Ok, I am smart this time by paying attention to her name. Her name is Yani. I told her I was on the line with an Indian guy just now, before he hangs up on me. She said, can you give me your particular again? I told her my name, my hp#, and I just blurted this out "This is the 3rd time I am calling up, you guys hang up me twice, and this is the 3rd time I am repeating all my particulars. Don't you dare to hang up my call again. My case # is xxxx. Just go and dig this case out. I don't want to repeat all the shit again." Ok... I am mean, so what. She got the case ID, and like the previous guys, she told me I need to pay the bill in order to have the line from being suspended. I told her my stand point ... and of course another round of debating... and guess what... the line got disconnected again... I am sure that this is not my phone problem, as sometimes I have concall with my suppliers for hours and the line very got disconnected.

For the 4th time, I called them again. This time is another girl called Latifah. "I was on the line with Yani just now, patch me back to her, she hanged up my call just now" "I am sorry but I am unable to transfer the line" "Then get her to me" "There are so many people in this department, I don't know which one you want" OK ... so there are too many people in that department, and the phone can't be transferred and it got disconnected always? What a nice TM service. She tried to ask me to talk to her, asking for my details again. "This is the 4th time I am calling back. Don’t hang up on me again" She continues with the stupid same questions throw by her colleagues to me just now, but this girl is smarter than the others. She asked me "Why you only want to make police report on Sunday, not today? You can go to make police report now, and we can carry on the investigation ASAP then" "Repeating the same thing like I am working in Penang, the internet line is in SP, and the bill is in SP, not with me. Do you think police will entertain me if I go to make police report now, empty handed? Without the bill with me?" Finally someone got what I am trying to express in here. Then moved on to $$ issue. "No, you would have to pay the $$ or at least half the $$ in order to keep the line activated, so that we are able to carry on the investigation. Investigation will normally take around 1 - 3 months, within this period you are unable to use the internet as we will suspend it, we have already suspend it when we log the case just now. But you would still pay for the monthly charges RM44" ... I wanted to say WTF so much "Ok you mean I cant use the internet for 3months but I still would need to pay RM 132, and later if you cant proof that I am not the one who is using, I would still have to pay RM 494. No I won't pay a single cent" "can't you listen to me? I said 1 - 3 months, but normally will take around 1 month" "1 - 3 months means the worst case scenario is 3 months. I can't use the access but I still need to pay for the time you carry on investigation? I want to talk to your supervisor, I won't pay for a single cent" after a moment "Ok, if this is the case, you can go to TM Point to hold your account" "What is the different between hold and suspend?" "Hold is you can hold your account, but we wont charge you monthly rate, suspend is we hold your account, but you still need to pay for the monthly rate" Then she asked for my email address and said will send an email to me. I received the email from them, asking for the police report ... wordless...
My sis's bf told me the TM Net system is lousy. They only able to track who logs in with the ID and password, time and date and duration. They are unable to track from which point/location the connection is made.... sigh ... The system is only meant to calculate the usage and the $$? Not for the security purpose?

So I went back to SP, and went to make police report on Sunday. A policewoman took my statement. "Why I have to make police report" "Because if you think someone else is using your password, then it is a crime." After I got the report, she asked me to bring to TM Point for further investigation "Will police carry on with the investigation too?" "No”... Really wordless ... I have nothing to say...

Then I move my butt to TM Point. I told the counter girl my issue. She checked and said there is no more usage from 8/5 onwards. "Of course, cuz I changed my password that day." "Your account is not suspended." "I thought that CS told me that my account is suspended automatically once I logged the case with them that day." "But it shows here the account is still active" " >.<" Never mind" "Do you want to close the account?" "No, I want to hold it, I won't pay for the usage that I am not using, I want to hold this account until the investigation is completed." "What do you mean by hold?" I told her what Latifah told me that day; the hold and suspend, the paying at least 50% to stay activated. "Interesting, I never heard of this hold, there is no such thing as hold, there is only suspend" "I won't pay for a single cent, I will only pay for the RM44 per month for 2month, total RM88, the rest RM420 I wont pay" "While carry on the investigation, you would still need to pay for the monthly charges, if you don't want to pay, you can terminate your account straight away now." "But after termination, will the investigation be carrying on?" "Yes, since you already logged case now" "But I thought they told me .... Never mind, Ok I want to terminate now" After form filling and after a few minutes "There you go, your account has been terminated, for the bill you don't have to pay first. After the investigation, we will send you a new bill, telling you the amount you would have to pay, you only pay that time." "Normally for this type of case, do we need to pay for full amount even if we do not use the line? How many percentages can succeed?" "Normally we will rebate back the customer. If we don't do that, sure you will go to write to newspaper and TV, do you ever seen that on TV or paper?" Well... missy, hopefully after the investigation, I only need to pay rm 88. The things that she told me are totally different from what the CS told me ... to all the CS answering my phone... go to hell you guys.

Since I logged a case, I just ignored the email that I received on Wed. Yesterday my mom received a letter from TM Net, asking for the police report so that they are able to carry on the investigation... It is funny and really $%#^#&*$. I had to reply them through email, telling them that I actually make another report, since they insisted me go to TM Point to submit the police report. I told them my new case ID, asking for progress. What I got is "we are still investigating" They are making things complicated what a redundancy and effort wasting...

That is very long...
2nd update is a quick one... Just booked ticket for HK next March ... Hong Kong Hong Kong, see you in 2010 ... ^_^


(e+ho)ng said...



CarinaSing said...

dont understand

(e+ho)ng said...

Google, my friend. :)

CarinaSing said...

got it ... its ok la .. u dont have to read every entry of mine ... this one I have been telling lots of ppl .. just wnat to pen it down so that I can remind myself next time of their service lol ... If they didnt rebate me back the $$ .. I will complain and complain

星晴 said...

wa...very long entry...but i agak agak know liao...wat is this entry about...