Tuesday, April 14, 2009

25th of May - still 41days to go

Today is April 14th, and today I feel sick.

Sick of what? Sick of my company, sick of my position, sick of all the issues happening at work, sick of myself and of course sick of recession too.
I didn't want to work today, not feeling well physically and mentally. I need time to rebuild my mentality.

Yesterday chat with someone very close to me.
He told me, he needs to study for his exam, and he won't online starting from today till finished his exam ... I was like .. walao .. how come need to 'close door' so long just for an exam? Well guess that I never really treat all my exams as important ... Haha ... and I just didn't realise this ... until yesterday. All the while, I never really study hard for exams, and although I do feel the importance of it, I still can't just put anything aside and just concentrate on studying only

Ok I admit I am lazy, just feel don't like to hold a book and sit there for hours. I changed actually. I still remember, when I was preparing for my PMR, I took my history notes and memories all in one whole day, and then the next day straight go for the exam. Haha .. after came out from the examination hall, don't ask me about history anymore, I deleted them from my hard disk. Studying 3days before the exam took place already consider as very hardworking to me. But this fellow needs 1 month? *Faint*

No matter what, your exam is the most important thing in your life now. You just go ahead and kiss your books every day and night, and I will be chatting with you again on 25th night .. see ya anhph

Luckily I am no longer need to study, and no longer need to rush for assignments and examinations. But I hate moving into working world now. If you let me choose again, I will take accountancy in Form4 instead of Science stream. At least being an accountant, I can play with figures and $$ everyday. Not so boring compares to chasing materials. But past is past, just hope that economy will become better again and I can look for another job perhaps ...

p/s: eh, do you think 2ndhand Myvi (3years car) sold at 36K .. worth to buy or not? I think it is quite expansive ler ...

1 comment:

(e+ho)ng said...

I thought Wan Ching and I are the closest friends you ever had? :'(

Pertaining to the car, I sincerely think it is over-priced. I got my first-hand Viva for RM 37,500. If you really must know, kindly refer to my blog on how to win a brand, new, CAR! :D