Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tired ...

Recently I feel tired ... only slept for 6 hours per day .. and been sick for one whole week really killing me. Every morning when I wake up, I just feel like not going to work, and hardly open my eyes. During working hours, I always sigh and yawn and tell my cubiclemates that I am so boring. And I will tell myself that tonight I will sleep early.

After work, I will login to check emails, and gunbounding ... for your information, I lost my gb mood ... I only play with hoping to chat with friends only. If there are no friends around, then I will just wait for them to log in. Omg, seriously what happened to me? How come I can be like this? How come I changed 180 degrees in just one week?

For those who plays alot with CarinaSing in GB, guess you will know why..

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