Sunday, April 5, 2009

Will you or will you not?

What is love? Will you sacrifice everything for love? How does this 'love' weight in your heart? If you find someone that you love, will you express your love to her/him? If this someone doesn't love you back, will you find the courage to express your love to her/him again? If this someone thought that there are some barriers between 2 of you, will you dare to break the barriers just to be with him? Will you leave your family/friends behind just to be with her/him?

Seriously, if this person really worth it, yes, I can. It is very hard to find someone you love and someone who loves you back. Once I found one, I will cling on to this person, and I won't let go easily. So, why don't you give us a chance? Never try, never know.

Wondering why I am writing this post? Cuz this is what I have in my mind now.

p/s: Don't bother to leave your comment in here, teh, this is my personal entry.


(e+ho)ng said...

Aww... how sweet of you to confess your love for me here, knowing that I'll be reading this entry sooner or later anyway. :blush:

CarinaSing said...

not to you la plz ...
haha .. u don't be paise ... later i tell your gf baru u tau ..

hey, by the way .. u r blind a? I already stated this is my personal entry .. asked u not to put comment liao la ..