Sunday, June 28, 2009

36 seconds ??? OMG

This weekend, I am staying in Penang, not going back to hometown. So as usual, I will go to pasar malam. Yes, no doubt, going to pasar malam is fun, when you have nothing to do and you can find variety of food. This is one thing, but there is something which makes me hate to go there during peak hour -- 'Malaysians'. Those people are like grew up eating snails and glass, and still eating them I bet. Lol .. this entry is about 36 seconds, so I won't complain much about those snails and glass eaters. You know I know, sudahlah.

The main road in front of Tesco Extra is a busy street, so we need to use pedestrian crossing every time. There are a total of four lanes there. And if now Zhamri asks us to develop a traffic light system again, how many seconds should we spare for these 4 lanes? If you asked me, I would say 15 is the most. Usually I can cross the road within 10 sec. I mean me, not those snail eaters.

All the while, I know the time given for pedestrians to cross this road is longer than usual, but today, I just happened to look at the timer, and bloody hell, it was 36 seconds ... Really 36 ... no joke. What a system, and what an 'environment' we got. With all of these, how can we ever grow up and compete with others?

Nothing much to say in here, just *sigh* ...

There are things that I think is not appropriate for me to type it out here ... as it is offensive. I just can give some hints .. lolz


(e+ho)ng said...

I do not get the hints. :S

CarinaSing said...

It is normal, you are not the worm inside my stomach ...

星晴 said...

really 36 seconds?? next time i need to look at the timer properly...