Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Debts and debts and debts ... when only I will recover?

Am I a really bad financial planner? Or money is really not enough? Well, one thing for sure is, the 2009 horoscope quoting that this year I will be spending more money than earning. It is in fact true, so damn true, where it gives me no hope at all to

This morning I arrived office 35min before 8, so I grabbed piece of paper and pencil and doing some basic calculations. And of course, the result is ... I need to struggle till Nov to pay back all the $$ I am owe my sis’s bf, if I put aside PTPTN debt for now. God ... this is not good, really not good. Then I can’t control myself, but trying to recall where I spent my salary in these 6months? End of Dec’08, I still got at least some figure in my saving account, but today, I only left RM 383? From moving house, buying a new bed to basic expenses, my pocket already dry. Condition gets worse with the SUKUK. And, worst is ... I got myself an insurance, and my mom a medical card. With this, additional RM600 is needed monthly. Gone with the wind ... sigh ... Calculation shows that I only left RM 600 per month after paying back the insurance and debts. This will last until Nov. After Nov, I will have to re-calculate as that will be the time for me to continue for the PTPTN. Monthly interest for my PTPTN is about RM34, whereby the interest that I got from my FD is not enough to cover back the insurance. Lol ... a thought flashed by just now, which is ... why not I withdraw my $$ from FD and pay back PTPTN one shot? Yeah, this idea is great, but I just can’t. The $$ in the FD is for my car’s deposit.

OMG, all the calculations above ... excluding my future car installments? Which means that, either I only buy a car next year, or I will need to struggle a few more months in paying back my debts?

Well ... last week I bought a China IPhone, which costs me RM400, and yesterday, I sold it out. Of course, lower than my buying price. Actually I planned to buy this fake IPhone last month, and I promised my friend that I want to take from her. But soon after that, Sony Ericsson C905 caught my attention, AP price is RM1280. Then, you can see my saliva is dripping whenever I am thinking of this new Sony Ericsson, my dream model with 8.1mega pixel for the cameras. Imagine this, HP + Digital Camera, what a nice 2 in 1 combination, as I have always wanted to have my own digital camera too. But, my friend she took the IPhone to work, and I feel sorry to turn her down, and some more she lowered the price to RM400, I had no reason to say ‘no’ to her. So I bought it. Nightmare starts to haunt me ... I swear that I really tried my best to fall in love with it, but can’t. The tone is very loud, adjusted it to the lowest volume but just loud like hell. Need to spend 2 min to type one single SMS with just 2 sentences? Spare me. And the worst is, the battery only can last for 1day? Ewww ... totally out ... I just feel that I want to throw it away. But luckily I got someone to buy it. Thanks to Selly and her sis and her sis’s bf in here. I know the man is conning me, lowering the price until this extend, but it is better that throwing the phone and lost RM400 in return.

Hehe ... so bye bye to this stupid phone, and hi hi to my new hp ... oops ... in my calculation above, I INCLUDED IN the $$ that I will be spending for my new HP in the month of July ... so no screw up for this ... at least this cheers me up, after that stupid phone makes me feel down for days ...


(e+ho)ng said...

Instead of trying to recall all your expenditure for the past few months, why not create an Excel template to record down each day's spending?

CarinaSing said...

I did .. last time I did recorded my day to day expenses ... but lazy to do so after moving to new house ... guess I will need to develop this habit again ... so next time, you will need to buy me dinner hehe ... When you and WC are free? I am free every night

(e+ho)ng said...

My shift ends at 3.30pm this week. :D Let me know in advance if you want to have dinner ya?

(e+ho)ng said...

On second thought, I'm only available for Thursday dinner. :P

CarinaSing said...

Today can't la ... WC is going back hometown today ... unless you want to have dinner with me, alone .. lolz ... next month la ...