Monday, June 15, 2009

GB fever is over ???

Ok, so in the past 2 weeks I only logged in to GB for 3 times. I don't know I should feel relieve or need to sigh in here. Sigh ~

Previously, I will log in to GB every night, no matter how tired I am. I guess one of the reason is because of the event in May. And then I bought myself a PU, up ranking and making new friends from Zalvaje guild.

But 2 weeks ago, things started to change. I lost a 'friend' in GB, not Kenny by the way. Hell cares about him, not me. Then I was avoiding this guy in GB, then have to thanks to the lousy Streamyx too. I kept on lagging in GB, making lag or dc in friends' rooms, is the another main reason I didn't log in to GB. Another reason is cuz of someone said I am busybody ... hahaha ... I admit it ok, but just feel 'bo song' when she said that directly to me, without giving hint.

I just rather suprise that GB fever can end faster than what I expected. Last time, I played for 3 years before quitting. Now I only played for 4 months?

So, I changed to facebook instead. I joined facebook 2weeks ago, got myself 135 ++ friends now, and wanted to have lots of chips in Texas HoldEm Poker and be no# 1 in Bejeweled Blitz.

But no matter what, I will log in to GB too, but not too often, as I have some nice friends in there. Sure will lose contact if I totally quit GB. I need to grab their email ID or hp# before I can say bb to GB season2. Guess I will need to wait for Season3.

Sigh ~~~ Why Michael had to die in Prison Break? Haha .. this is definitely another main reason why I don't have mood to play in GB too ... Nice men won't die last ... like me ...


(e+ho)ng said...

WTF?! You promised to pass me the rest of Prison Break episodes that I have missed and here you are, spoiling everything! :@


GunBound has too many updates and I do not like the fact that I have to be put on hold each time I start the game client due to these updates. Do not get me started on how these updates never seem to solve the various hacks and cheats utilized by majority of the players. :(

CarinaSing said...

Huh ... U don't have the complete season4 of PB? I thought u have it all .. just WC doesn't have?
Er .. correction .. WC already got the completed series ...

If you want the series .. just meet up with both of us ... Cuz WC wants the Heroes from you, and I want to watch Heroes again .... Peter Petrelli is cute too ...

星晴 said...

Haha...firstly talk about GB...after appear the word "season 2" story change to PB...

CarinaSing said...

No la .. I was talking about what are the reasons making me stop playing GB mah .. TEH la ... he is out of topic haha

(e+ho)ng said...

Well, it is not like you have a chatterbox where I can post non-related topics. :S

I do not see myself as being out of track since you did spoil the plot of Prison Break in this blog entry. =.="

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