Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Special edition - TEH

WC IM me just now, asking me ... "wei, TEH proposed to his gf ar?" She gave me BIG question marks for sure. I haven't read his blog for more than 1 week now. And out of curiousity, I visited his blog minutes ago, and ... I got the answer. Well, it is definitely a good news. Finally he proposed to his gf of how many years? 6 years maybe. TEH, I know you will be reading this entry, I guess it is time for me to reveal my thoughts about you. Don't worry, I am not your secret admirer.

TEH is always a shining star to me. He sparkles when standing in the crowd, which makes me can't stop myself from glancing at him when in UUM. Yes, it is true. First sem in UUM, we are no friends, but stranger. He always sat in the first row, mix together with coursemate who speaks English, and he speaks English himself all the time. He is smart, speak good English, lecturers like him alot, he got 100% in mid-sem exam in math (only him, arrr ... I thought I could get 100% too). We were in the same class in Asas Kewangan, and haha .. his got lousy marks in his project, should partner with me instead. Cuz of you, I had to team up with stupid ppl, and ended up .... you knows lolz.
Seeing you in library every Mon and Wed really makes me look good. At least, in your eyes, I am a hardworking student? Lol .. although the main purpose I went to library during that period ... was to get some sleep?

End of 1st sem, we are still strangers. But when I met him in uni mart in Sem2, he came to me, I still remember, he carried a pile with him, and he asked me about my PMS ... haha ... I got better score than you. Maybe you don't know, but I felt very happy. Satisfy actually, cuz I am better than you. Then we becomes friends, becomes teammates in Sem3, and becomes buddies after that. And we even doing practical in same company, but parted after that. but still keep in touch until now. It is rare for me to keep in touch with 'local' male for years, as you know I am more interested in foreigners lolz. Arrh... If I went to Dell, then we are colleagues ... too bad too bad ...

TEH is really a nice guy, kind-hearted and humble, and with his great personalities, he is attracting me to befriends with him. And of course, using him sometimes. Something happened in Sem4/5 (I think) which made me got angry at you. I said sorry to you, and I would like to apologize to you again. I am sorry. Despite my attitude towards you, you never fail to be my friend, and continue to let me 'used' you.

You know, you are famous among all of us, where ppl are talking about you, some even came to WC and me, asking things about you. Arrrh .. how come you can be so popular, but I am not? How come you are clever than me? How come you are nicer than me? How come you have better personalities than me? Is it cuz of our living lifestyles? Maybe. There is something in you, which making me go to you for advice, arrr .. I mean the egyptian ... You definitely long sighted than me.

If I admired you before? Yes, I think so, haha not the kind of gf/bf feeling la. I know you have a gf. The admire I mean is like, I always wanted to be like you. Someone who is smart, nice, and all the positive personalities that you have. Hmm ... thin like you also ok, but not your height for sure haha ...

Actually there are lots of other things I wanted to write in here. But, I guess I will just save it for next time ..

Finally you proposed to your gf, congratulation to you.
You make me happy, and at the same time, you make me sad.
I need to fork out $$ haha ... I am just kidding ... I feel sad cuz I am still single .... arr ... gotta buy a pole and have a tiger dance myself lols ... If your friends ever hold a bachelor party for ya, I sure will suggest tiger dance. You still owe us this one dance lolz ... I am sure that WC will agree on this too ... so prepare to loose your pants


(e+ho)ng said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
(e+ho)ng said...

Thank you very much! I am glad that you still remember some of the scenarios that we went through together in the past... though you forgot to mention about me getting 100% in Asas Kewangan mid-semester examination. :P

Now, to clarify a few points that you raised in your entry:

... Something happened in Sem4/5 (I think) which made me got angry at you...
Is it related to blueLavender?

... some even came to WC and me, asking things about you...
Now this is interesting. Who are these curious people?

... I will just save it for next time...
There will be an episode 2 entry? :O

... I need to fork out $$...
Not so fast. :) We taking this step-by-step.

CarinaSing said...

Wei ... someone deleted the 1st comment ... Is is you?

TEH, arr ... dont make me cry again lol ... no more Asas kewangan now ... about her.. many ppl la can't finish naming them ... 2nd episode? dunno, depends on my mood la ... good la take ur time, let me save more $$ first haha

(e+ho)ng said...

Yup, the deleted comment was mine.

星晴 said...

wa,PS u help me to dig out my memory too...

haha..tiger dance,owe us for a few years d, need to count for interest too?

CarinaSing said...

Haha ... give me five then? yes .. have to count the interest also ... if like this, he needs to do more than 1 dance liao hehe

blueLavender said...

arh... Pepsi, you make me sad, make me miss you all much.