Sunday, August 29, 2010


I guess I am getting older, cuz now I started to feel boring, and lonely sometimes. What happen to the old me? The one who claims that time is not enough, the one who claims that she can organize her time well, and won't be lonely?

I guess it has to do with a girl back in my office. We are from the same workcell, but we are not that close. One day, we went to toilet together, and we had some stupid chat like normal. Then I went to chat with a guy, and she followed me. She asked me whether I am still single or available. I told her still hunting for bf, why. She said she wanna recommend her cousin for me. 1year younger than me. What should I reply? Ok? No thanks? Either one is not the correct answer. What ran through my mind that time? To be honest, a lot. Why she wanna recommend her cousin to me? Who is he? How does he looks like? How old is he? What's his job? Do you want to? Would you give it a try? Do you dare to meet up with him? Do you really want match making? Haha ... seriously I do not dare to chat much with her on this topic, all I do is keep taichi, and say something like ... faith. She kept on asking me do I mind her introduce her cousin to me? I kept saying we can be friends first. After that day, she never mentioned anything about this. I guess she can feel that from my reply. What is actually running through your mind? I have no idea.

So, do you feel scare now? A lot of your friends already married/engaged and some even have kids. Feel lonely, yes; but feeling scare? No, at least not at this moment. Cuz sometimes being alone is better than just simply finding someone and ended up in bad relationship ...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Stupid me huh ...

Once, there was this boy who sent me sms on April 1st, asking me to be his gf, while we were still studying in university. Cuz it was April Fool and scared of being fooled, I rejected him. He said we will be best friend forever then. Slowly, he started to stay away from me and we seldom contacted each other through phone or sms anymore after that.

Back in Form 5, we sat next to each other, always competing on our result, who got the better result in every subject, who can solved the maths quicker, talked about WWE aired on TV weekly. Things changed after his mother passed away, but we still close to each other. We were not in the same class during Form 6, but we said hi when we bumped into each other. First week of me in UUM, he called me up to just to check how's thing with me deep in the jungle. I cried and I guess he heard that lolz. Do I like him during secondary school? I think the answer is yes. Do you like still like him after Form 6 and after went to UUM? I don't know. Bumped into him several times though but we were like strangers more.

He is also working in Penang now. Send him sms once in a while, but he never replies or his reply really sound polite to me. Ok, I got it. I have lost a friend now. I know I do not have the right to blame him, it was my fault after all.

Recently I added him in Facebook. Looked at his pictures, and he mostly went out with his colleagues, and there is a girl, who always tagged him. Are they gf-bf stuffs now? I have no idea.
One night, some sadness struck me, and I saw him online. I wrote him a note saying that I said no to him last time cuz that day was April Fool and not because of me not liking him, and why we are no longer friends. He gave me no reply. Stupid me huh ... What are you expecting, Pepsi? A friendship? A second chance? He never bother to reply you ... you are no longer his friend ... just move on

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Its time for me to bid goodbye I guess

Recently a teammate of mine tendered her resignation letter, and tomorrow is her last day. With her leaving, we are in deep shit again, in consideration that another teammate of mine is going for maternity soon ...

With new projects (a total of 6) coming in, I only can say .. shit shit shit ...
I am going to take care of NPI for now as well? Can I cope it all alone? Can I? I do not think that I can.

All the while I have been talking about leaving, but I never really visited any job searching sites. And well I guess someone/something pissed me off last Thurs/Fri which makes me having the urge to look for another job.

Enough is enough, no more CM for me. I am only looking for OEM. I really think that it is time for me to venture into another working environment. Paid a visit to Uhh .... not much OEM looking for buyers ... most of them are CMs ... arrhhh ... I only look for 2 things ... OEM and salary ... why it is so hard?

On 2nd thought, it is August now ... worth leaving now? In view of year end bonus is just around the corner? So now it is between money or tension ... which one will win?

Friday, May 28, 2010

Credit stolen ???

Well someone in office has been stealing credits that belong to me.

It all begins with NPI, where our customers keep on updating their BOM, and in the same team, we have no choice but we have to keep on doing the same job again and again in order to make sure that what we have is the latest and the accurate data. With her being the first person, she has to do her job, then I only would be able to do my portion, whereby I am dependent on her, you can say that. This week itself, our boss has been asking us to re-do twice, and when he is asking us to re-do that for the 3rd time, she is not doing that, but stupid me went to downloaded one BOM and dang, I noticed that my BOM has 30K lines items while the one she did 24hours ago only have 200lines items. I told her about this, and pointing out the fact that she needs to re-do all the scrubbing again and she needs to talk to our boss to give us more time. But in her email, she told our boss that "I found that the BOMs are different today". WTF ... not you ok, it is me, I kepoh and check for you and you took the credit yourself?

So yesterday, this girl stole a credit belongs to me, and shit is today she steals another one from me! Yesterday she passed me a scrubbed BOM where the orderability is turned off at here, which means that we do not need to purchase, but she still wasting her time to scrub. She scrubbed the wrong BOM and passed to me! Never mind, so I go to scrub the correct BOM on behalf of her, and I found out that there are some mistakes. After back home, I downloaded the same BOM again but in different org, scrubbed it and make some comparisons, and bingo, I found out that 1part is missed out between the 2BOMs. So, today I wrote her an email about this, and asking her to check, as this is her responsibilities. She supposed to be the one to catch the mistake, not me, but since I caught it, I notified her. And guess what, she sent the email to customer and CCing our CS, where our CS is blind, and she CCing our big boss, praising her of catching the error, instead of me? So this girl, she got both the credits, while I get nothing? Not even a thank you from her? Maybe she thinks that I do not know that she got praised by someone, cuz I am not in the email loop? Hah, you are so wrong girl, I accidentally went to find the CS and she showed me the email.

Am I pissed off? YES I AM. I am doing all the hard work in correcting all your mistakes in the BOM scrubbed although I am already busy with my shortages, and this is what I get in return? Why I went home scrubbing BOM every night although this is not something under my care? Scrubbing BOM and making sure that the BOM scrubbed is correct is EC Coordinator's responsibility. Moreover, what piss me off the most is the kaizen thing. Who is the one simplified the BOM scrubbing method? It is me, but why your superior asking you to submit a kaizen under both of our names? You got 50% of the credits, ok that is not big deal, since you are doing the documentation on the kaizen as I have no time to do that. But what make me angry is that, you went and told your superior that the outcome of my method is incorrect? Shit you, and thank god that I proved it to you that my method is correct, with no errors found but your method got tons of mistakes haha. And the funny thing is, you believe in yourself, and you never used the method that I taught you to scrub BOM. Well, if you are wasting 1hour to scrub a BOM where I only use less than 15min, then it is your fault if you can't finished scrubbing the all the BOMs. Don't come to me with the excuse that you are unable to pull the BOM from website, while I can pulled them out?

Enough is enough, when you are taking everything from me, what for I am still helping you in here? Everyone is asking me to help you, but helping you is not equal to you stealing all the credits that supposed to belong to me. I do not hunger for praises as I have a lot, but I rather not getting them at the first place, if the credits will eventually go to you. Do you think it is fair? Don't you feel shy that you are taking the achievement of others' hard work?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Labour Day? What a joke

Can't you all just leave me alone? Do you think it is fun to wake up in the wee hour just to do office work and then continue sleeping? Can't you all stop calling me early morning every weekends, asking me to do other buyers' job? Just call them instead of calling me. What the hell are you guys thinking in here?

Before blaming you guys, I think I need to blame myself first. Pepsi a pepsi, what are you thinking in here? Why do you turn off your hp before go to bed every weekdays but not weekends? You know that they sure will call you but why you still leave your hp on? Wait a sec, do you think that I can turn off my hp? I can't be uncontactable. There must be a buyer out there that they can reach out to. Well, serves you right in here, you can't blame nobody but yourself.

Sigh ... what am I getting myself into now? What the hell that makes you leaving AMD in the first place and giving up IT? Why you chose her instead of Dell? Why you chose 1week in heaven instead of forever in heaven? Why you are so stupid? Why am I so stupid? Why why why ..... I wish I can turn back time. I will choose accounting instead of IT then. You like maths so much but why you put accounting as your second choice? Why you didn't study hard in Form 6? You will have a different future by then.

There is no point of regretting now. Just you have to move on, and when there's a will, there's be a way. Another 11months go to .... tik tok tik tok .... I will say bb to you then .. hahaha

Saturday, May 1, 2010

No more interested

Time really changed me ... I am not the same person now. Although I really wanna continue this .. but whenever I tried, I just feel that I don't have the mood to continue. Conflict between my mind and my action? Well maybe. Or can I just say that I can change my mind within 1 sec? But I know the real reason behind why I lost interest in it. It is purely because there is no spike, and I feel bored. You know, Sagittarrians love adventure, and how you expect me to be in still mode most of the time? I like to talk fast, walk fast, eat fast and straight to the point, and somehow dramatic and too much expressions just kill my mood ...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Struggled ... still truggling ....

Many things happened in 2months ... from a normal worker to overload to work till die.

Things gone from bad to worse at work, with stupid transfer where I have been taking care parts from another group, with the profit center goes to that group, but I am doing all the procuring, and pull in? When the supply are in good shape, is anyone there to thank me? When there is supply issue, will they just leave me alone and let me work out the supply line, instead of everyone keeps on coming to me asking the same question at different time?

Can all the stupid shortages and NPI don't come at once? Can you all just let me breathe? I am breathless .... Human will die if he is not breathing for minutes .... I am breathless from the moment I step into the office on feb 17 till .... omg there is no fullstop here ... I am still struggling after 2months. What a stupid moron idiot me ...

Why I need to work until late hours, need to work during weekends? Can't I just leave this stupid responsibilities alone and just enjoy my work? Why I want to be different, why can't just i follow the footsteps of the predecessor? Why I want to be something else from her? What is running through my mind? Do I think that I am actually capable? Do I think that being me right now is call good? Will they think that I am actually stupid? Will they know what is running on my mind when I took most of the job? Will they know what is my actual thought? Won't they know that it is hard for me to become what I need to become today? Shouldn't they suppose to understand that I am overloaded? Shouldn't they suppose to understand my situation right now? Aren't us in the same team?

The one that I was looking high at actually disappoint me. The one that disappointed me previously make me take another good look at her. The one that always stay unshine remains unshine. When only you can steal the spotlight and impress me? The new comer, whether you are a sun or you are a moon, just don't let me down. You are capable according to others, just don't make me laugh at others poor judgement.

Next week is going to be huh-hah-huh-hah week. I can promise you that there is going to be a big changes, but what is the changes now, I can't tell, as I haven't plan yet. But I promise you, I will try my best. After all, you all still got me as backup.

Why I am so stupid? Is it worth to spend another year in hell, in return of 1week in heaven? . Why there is no tree for me to hang on to when I am falling to dead?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feb 17th - Tomorrow new you, tomorrow new me

Is today is the day to remember? Nope, I don't think so. I am not that sad but I am not happy by the way. Everything will be different starting tomorrow ... wish me all the best, I seriously need blessing ...

To those waiting to laugh at me at my error, save it cuz you won't have the chance to laugh.
To those who thinks that I am unable to make it, go to hell.
To those who feels happy for me, thank you guys, please keep blessing me.
To her who thinks that I got the benefit cuz of you, screw you, you think I like this myself?

It just that you caught us unaware, and we know that all the while you have been trying to flee, and you know we are trying so too. It just that you are earlier than us. The sky is gray with you around. Will the sky continues to be grayish or we will be having clear sky? I have no idea myself. But I believe this "where there is a will, there is a way"

Arrrgghhhhhh ... I just need tons of luck ...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hair cut after 1year

When was my last hair cut? Yeah in Jan 2009. My mom keeps nagging how messy is my hair, how long is my hair, why I was so lazy to go to cut my hair. I want to make it clear in here. I am not lazy or like my messy hair, it is just I do not feel the urge and need to cut my hair. That's all. All I was thinking was, it is going to be new year soon, just wait and do my hair that time. Lolz ... then one of my colleagues sister said something like ... why ur hair so geli .. haha ... she is cute and so straightforward.

Ok ok, I promised her last Jan that I am going to look for her if I wanna do my hair. So you see, she is pushing me. I wanna do hair straightening in end of Jan, she said do it in earlier of Jan better. ok ok so I went to her bf newly open hair saloon last Sat.

Spent 4 hours there and cost me RM168, my hair become shorter, straighter and got a fringe. Everyone saying this hairstyle suits me alot ... I like this new hairstyle, hope this hair straightening can last for months, not just a week like the one I did last year.

RM 100 for 1 week. RM 168 for 1.68 weeks? No please

Monday, January 11, 2010

Last post = Oct 19???

Lol .. omg .. It has been 3 months since my last post. No wonder someone wanna delete my blog's link from his page ... How dare you lolz. Ok ok I know I have no reason to scold you. I have my reasons .... Well ... I was busy? Harvesting and stealing plants and killing others are more addicting? It is at first, but now I am bored with FaceBook.

So I started to find something else to do... What about formatting my notebook? Yeah, it is a good idea. Haven't format it for 3years I guess. Time to clear my old unwanted stuff and get rid of the trojans and virus. Lol, I know they exist all the time, but too lazy to scan for virus. It makes my notebook becomes slower, which I hate. So, I just let them survive for some time.

Seriously I do not know what to write in here, after gone for weeks. I got a lot of things to write, but too many things in one post spoils the post .. hehe .. So I will just have some warm up and continue talking crap.

Basically, many things happened since Oct. From work to personal stuff. Mostly about work where it took most of my time and energy and make me don't have mood to hang out with friends; plus I have a friend who doesn't have time for me in weekends, he only remember of his basketball games and gf in weekends. So how to hang out with friends? lolz

In case you are interested to know, here's the summary:

1) one buyer left, my team only got new replacement buyer after 2months she left - SHIT
2) my leader when for vacation for 2weeks when we are short-handed, we need to back her up - SHIT
3) new buyer came in end of Nov, I got to handle my old parts + new parts + slowing passing down some of my parts to new buyer + guiding her - SHIT
4) become an NPI buyer where there is no transition at all from my leader - SHIT
5) forcing us go for exam, we passed the exam, going for 2nd phone interview, passed that, got the chance to go to US for 1 week training, she said we (1 of my teammates and I got that) can't go to training together, cuz if we go together, our team will be shorthanded, totally a big bucket of shit, we were shorthanded when she went for vacation 2weeks last time. - SHIT
6) went to renew my passport, took about 4 hours in total, quite fast compares to someone lolz
7) plan and survey hard for our trip to HK, but God knows whether we are able to go there or we have to cancel our trip ... I hope we do not have to cancel our trips.
8) where is this Lim Wan Ching? Wanna to locate her and buy her a drink + discussing our trip also susah ... need to postpone again and again from Oct till now ... sigh ...